Wow! Media Ltd. is one of the leading travel guide books in Hong Kong since established in 1998. We interview the latest shopping, fashion, tourist points and special features of hotels, that provide useful travel information for our readers. In the year of 2018, a significant revolution is happened- we create an unique「WOW ! MAP」. It combines the usage of books and mobile, which can help readers to plan the travel routes, get public transport information, etc. It definitely is a user friendly tool for all of us.

We have published more than 30 books since established in 1998. Ourbooks are sold in HK, Taiwan and Asian Area. We print about 10,000 – 15,000 copies for each edtion and belows are some of the popular series :
1. 《東京達人天書》(Tokyo Tatsujin Bible)
2. 《京阪神達人天書》(Kyoto Osaka Kobe Tatsujin Bible)
3. 《北海道達人天書》(Hokkaido Tatsujin Bible)
4. 《沖繩.石垣島達人天書》(Okinawa.Ishigaki Island Tatsujin Bible)
5. 《鐮倉.箱根.伊豆.輕井沢.熱海達人天書》(Kamakura.Hakone.Izu.Karuizawa.Atami Tatsujin Bible)
6. 《九州達人天書》(Kyushu Tatsujin Bible)
7. 《首爾達人天書》(Seoul Tatsujin Bible)
8. 《釜山.濟州.慶州達人天書》(Busan.Jeju.Gyeongju Tatsujin Bible)
9. 《台北.宜蘭.新北市達人天書》(Taipei.Yilan.New Taipei City Tatsujin Bible)
10. 《台南.高雄.墾丁.台中達人天書》(Tainan.Kaohsiung.Kenting.Taichung Tatsujin Bible)
11. 《曼谷達人天書》(Bangkok Tatsujin Bible)
12. 《新加坡達人天書》(Singapore Tatsujin Bible)
13. 《馬來西亞.吉隆坡.檳城.馬六甲達人天書》(Malaysia Tatsujin Bible)
14. 《琵琶湖.京都府.城崎達人天書》(Biwako.Kyoto.Kinosaki Tatsujin Bible)
15. 《四國.香川.德島.高知.愛媛達人天書》(Shikoku Tatsujin Bible)
16. 《名古屋.高山.白川鄉.金沢達人天書》(Nagoya.Takayama.Shirakawago.Kanazawa Tatsujin Bible)
17. 《布吉.蘇梅.清邁達人天書》(Phuket.Koh Samui.Chiang Mai Tatsujin Bible)
18. 《廣島.鳥取.岡山.山口.島根達人天書》 (Hiroshima.Tottori.Okayama.Yamaguchi.Shimane Tatsujin Bible)
19. 《長野.松本.輕井澤達人天書》(Nagano.Matsumoto.Karuizawa Tatsujin Bible)
20. 《越南.河內.峴港.芽莊.胡志明市達人天書》(Vietnam Tatsujin Bible)
21. 《放假啦!和歌山》(Wakayama Holiday)
22. 《放假啦!清邁》(Chiang Mai Holiday)
23. 《放假啦!海之京都若狹路》(Kyoto by the sea Wakasaji Holiday)
24. 《放假啦!JR西日本鐵道遊》(JR West Railway Tour Holiday)
Leading role in guidebook market
Our books are available in a comprehensive network of bookstores within Hong Kong. In July 2004, with our comprehensive information and well-organized content, we have successfully explored the Taiwan market and the response has been excellent that we awarded the “Best Sales (Traveling Books)” for several years. Also, in Singapore, Malaysia, and so on, also can buy our travel books.
策劃 Prepared by Wow! Media Ltd.